Thursday 20 December 2012

Focal lengths and FofV...

As focal lengths increase, FofV becomes smaller because the AofV becomes smaller, pretty standard. I think I explained that in the last post. But what does that really MEAN???? 

Well for this photograph of this dog (taken with a fixed 50mm lens which is said to give roughly the same FofV as a human eye) if the focal length were to be...say 25mm...the frame would be fuller with the subject and there would be much less background because it would effectively 'zoom'. It would look something like this (Obviously it would not look like this...I just cropped the previous picture to demonstrate the effect)...

Different lenses give different effects...For example taking the same photograph with wide angle lens and a telephoto lens would give very different results. With the wide angle lens (approx. 10mm) you wouldn't get much depth in terms of distance however you would capture a lot of detail in terms of width (hence the name) whereas with a telephoto lens (approx. 100mm+) you would get a great sense of perspective and tends to capture detail in the distance.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Amena, this is a exemplary blog, you have virtually written a text book. Your illustrations make it clear that you understand the camera controls and you have a very good range of photographers in your research. My only criticism is that your evaluations could show a little more awareness o how your work relates to the researched photographers and how you could develop your personal style.
