Thursday 20 December 2012

Field of View

Field of View (FofV) is generally defined as the amount of the subject area that is able to be projected to the sensor through the lens. In photography field of view can be changed by either changing your lens or (if you have a zoom lens as I have) changing the focal length. There are a couple of factors that affect FofV...

  1. Angle of View- The term FofV is often used synonymously to the term angle of view (AofV) however they are slightly different things. Angle of view is more specifically a measure of the angle of the subject area projected to the sensor. Therefore FofV is dependant on AofV, the greater the angle, the greater the field of view.
  2. Focal Length-The focal length is the distance from the sensor to the lens withing a camera lens. Focal length affects FofV because as the distance between the lens and sensor changes, the AofV also changes and in turn FofV is affected.

Even though FofV isn't a technical setting on a the camera, it is still very important because it can drastically change the composition of the photograph which may have a bigger implication to the photograph than how shallow the depth of field is or what shutter speed the camera is set at.

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