Wednesday 24 October 2012


I went out again on Saturday for another test shoot...Nothing amazing. Again experimented with colour, depth of field and photo dimensions...Here are some of the photographs...

I found this cute little statue and I wanted the photo to
be on the goose so i thought a shallow depth of field would
work best! However it didn't really work in  B&W because
the tree and the subject just 'mushed' together... I took the same photo bit in colour. I think it works much better
due to the contrast of the  tree in the background and the subject.
I'm not particularly fond of the photograph but I decided to
put it in anyway to demonstrate that sometimes depth of
field doesn't work as well as hoped. There has to be some
distance between the subject and the 'rest of the picture' 
With this photograph, the depth of field is so shallow that not
even the entire plant is in focus!
It's the same with this photograph really however I think
it was slightly overexposed

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